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Welcome To Twitter, Linda Yaccarino, No One Wants To Advertise On Your Terrible Platform Any More

Jun 11, 2023

"Bloated woke jobs"? Such as…

"…The cuts hit product managers, data scientists and engineers who worked on machine learning and site reliability, which helps keep Twitter's various features online. The monetization infrastructure team, which maintains the services through which Twitter makes money, was reduced to fewer than eight people from 30, a person familiar with the matter said."

"Twitter employees from departments including ethical AI, marketing and communication, search, public policy, wellness and other teams had tweeted about having been let go. Members of the curation team, which help elevate reliable information on the platform, including about elections, were also laid off, according to employee posts….Other members of Twitter's human rights team had been laid off."

"Recession accelerates"?? Hardly, given the job numbers are stable and rising, unemployment is still down, inflation is in decline, etc.